But since Quora has 100 million unique visitors every month, and its ad platform is less competitive than other digital advertising spaces, it gives you a great opportunity to have your brand get discovered by a new audience, position your brand as an expert on a topic, drive traffic to your website, and to have a genuinely successful marketing campaign. Besides being a platform with less competition, Quora’s key differentiator is its community. People visiting this platform are engaged in discussion and ready to learn and discover new things. That’s why, if you craft your message right, you can get a much higher CTR than on other advertising platforms. Another benefit is that Quora is an excellent SEO tool—you can explore what people are searching for.
Search Engines crawl Quora, just like they do with any other site, which means that your answer can be ranked as the number one result for the searched term, thus driving organic traffic. Furthermore, you can always redirect users to your site in your answer to read a more detailed description. Getting Started With Ads As I mentioned, Quora Italy Phone Number List released its advertising platform in April 2016, but it’s still in Beta. This means that you will have to send an email asking for access. Why bother asking for access? It gives you leverage compared to your competitors.
The fact that you have to get permission, makes the process very selective. This is how Quora enables only quality and relevant ads appear to users. Additionally, not many companies advertise on Quora (they might not know about this new Quora feature), which means that if you gain access—you are already one step ahead of your competitors. Once you send the email, you should receive a reply with detailed instructions how to proceed. Set Up Your Ad Account In order to create ads, you need to have a profile on Quora. So if you already don’t have one, create it, but use your real name.