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Arlette Pitra

Don’t let others define your destiny!

              The world is full of examples of people that redefined the course of their life after a different steady path. God uses the ordinary to transform it into extraordinary and don’t think He cannot do it for you. The difference between you and stories like Susan Boyle, the amazing singer that was discovered when she was forty seven on the Britain’s Got Talent, that changed her from an unemployed charity worker who lived alone with a cat to a 2 grammy winner, is the power of walking towards your dreams, not being afraid of rejection, in fact, she considered trying as being something powerful.  

              God is in the business of confusing those that think that they are wise and wants to use your story to put other people in owe. “ What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard and what no human mind has conceived” – the things God has prepared for those who love him. I Corinthians 2:9. God has huge plans to make what is impossible into the eyes of men, possible as Jesus said in Mathew 19: 26b “ for God anything is possible”.

              To live the possibility of God in your life you must:

1.      Focus on examples of achievers that went against all odds: If is a job or a successful business goal, study stories of great achievers and how they overcame barriers. I recommend reading chapter fourteen of the book “How to age without getting old” by Joyce Meyer. Chapter fourteen of her book has a self-motivating title : “Its never too late to do something great” where you will be able to read stories of Sanders that franchised the Kentucky Fried Chicken on his 40, references to Julia Child when she and other women published Mastering the Art of French Cooking on her forty nine year.

2.      Determine your passion and follow it: your passion is often something that gives you satisfaction to do every day, regardless of the amount of time, physical and mental

investment you put on it, and is the best guiding tool to determine the will of God in your life. How to determine the will of God? Is simple, ask yourself if what you are doing makes you happy. God is a God for all and particularly focused on each of us, and always has the best for us. “Do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” Ephesians 5:17

3.      Be persistent regardless of the results: After I read “The Diary of a CEO”, I changed how I invested on my passions and dreams versus my needs. I need to continue working on a corporate company to pay my bills, but before reading the book, I thought that I was limited to only focus on doing my best at my employer for a better position and more raise, that yes, I was able to achieve. But then I looked at my passion for reading, exploring letters and putting my ideas into paper and started blogging in February this year. My first blog got 256 readers, and from there, regardless of the number of readers per week, I decided not to stop. My persistency already gave me a chance to be invited on a podcast of national coverage, developing a more organized website for my blogs, creating personalized cards for marketing the blog and working on writhing beyond the blog. To achieve perpetual growth as I learned with Steven Bartlett, you need to be persistent, consistent and stick to your agenda. It will be just a question of time; you will be used by God to make the ordinary look extraordinary.

4.      Train your brain to look beyond current possibilities: There is an icebreaker/teambuilding game that I like called “We connect Cards” that has great reflecting questions that can help you, your team, friends and family think beyond their current status. In a nutshell, you need to invest in studying strategies to help you trigger your creativity. Life is not just about praying and sitting, but investing, searching and practicing. You also have to surround yourself with people that think like you, and organizing an event where you can use these connect cards, will be a great way to determine who are the people in your circle that think like you and can be a source of motivation for those difficult days, that trust me, you will need.


The satisfaction in life is knowing that there are several examples of people that have followed God very closely as they aged, and at each intersection, they have made adjustments God has led them to make. You can also do it by benefiting of several practical examples to follow.


Author: Arlette Pitra


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